Multiwavelength templates for the gamma-ray analysis of the Cygnus Loop ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Radio: Cyg11.i.mK-J2000_clip.fits 11cm Effelsberg map (Uyaniker et al 2004) with point sources subtracted Sect 2.5 of the paper 2. Optical: dss2.CygLoop-clip30.fits DSS2 red map (mosaic of smaller maps) with point sources and background subtracted Sect 2.4 of the paper 3. Ultra-violet: Veil-nd-clipsm20.fits GALEX NUV mosaic by M. Seibert with point sources and background subtracted Sect 2.3 of the paper 4. X-ray: ROSAT_clip.fits ROSAT survey image with point sources and background subtracted Sect 2.2 of the paper