
Figures and data files associated with the Fermi LAT paper
"Multi-messenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A"

The file: 3fgl_j0509.4+0541_sed.tar.gz (412672 bytes) has been uploaded by Sara Buson at 2022-Mar-17 13:52 PDT

Name Bytes Date
3fgl_j0509.4+0541_sed.fits 411136 2022-Mar-17 13:51
3fgl_j0509.4+0541_sed.tar.gz 412672 2022-Mar-17 13:52
results.pdf 14406 2018-Jun-05 02:39
results.tar 17408 2018-Jun-05 02:42

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