
Figures and data files associated with the Fermi LAT paper
"Unveiling particle re-acceleration in the Cygnus Loop with Fermi-LAT"

The file: CygnusLoop_templates.tgz (1274300 bytes) has been uploaded by Jean Ballet at 2021-May-12 09:55 PDT

Name Bytes Date
README_CygnusLoop 715 2021-May-12 05:22
Cyg11.i.mK-J2000_clip.fits 72000 2021-Mar-29 06:37
CygnusLoop_templates.tgz 1274300 2021-May-12 09:55
dss2.CygLoop-clip30.fits 688320 2021-Jan-29 03:36
ROSAT_clip.fits 656640 2020-Jun-11 00:55
Veil-nd-clipsm20.fits 1480320 2020-Jan-30 02:40

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